Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This post is brought to you by the good folks at Google.

Okay, so in an attempt to get my crap together, so to speak, I decided to start assembling a web presence for my art. You know, a web site with a viewable gallery, a place I can track works in progress, that sort of thing. So I start looking around at domain registration and hosting and whatnot, only to realize something very important.

I'm a cheap bastard.

So then I get to thinking that Google has a LOT of great free resources. So lo and behold, they offer webpage hosting, image hosting, a blog service, and a whole plethora of nifty services for cheapskates such as myself that even use easy to modify templates. Also, when I do decide to get my own domain (you know, like crappyart.com or myparentswontevenputthisontheirfridge.org), I can just register the website to respond to that domain name as well, saving me from having to actually code a whole new website.

So now I just have to figure out what to do with it all. Other than blog posts where I practice debasing myself in a shameless marketing ploy for Google. But you know what? Google rules, so whatever. We'll see how long I can keep this little tea party going.

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