Monday, September 14, 2009

New Project Preview

Preview of a new project (as if the title didn't explain that fully). I'm working on a new painting in Photoshop. It's big. As in the preview area below is roughly 1/10th the area of the full picture. I'm attempting to use some chiarascuro techniques. So far, I'm liking what I've got.

The more artistically critical of you might say, "But you're only utilizing the lower half of the dark/light spectrum, you hack." You'd be right, and I do plan on using much more in the upper half. But for right now, I'm still establishing my forms. I just wanted to share this with anyone who might happen to stumble by while on their way to something far more interesting.

On a somewhat related note, I very much still consider myself a student of art (probably always will be). So if you should be reading this and have some constructive criticism, on this or any other of my works, please feel free to share. I always appreciate tips and suggestions.

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